Monday, January 28, 2008

Module 4

One of the vanity blogs that I found at was
This blog was dedicated to publishing information about the creator's life and family, mainly her two sons. She posts numerous amounts of photos of her two sons, depicting birthdays, first haircuts, holidays, leisure family time, and the birth of her second son. Upon reading her blogs and viewing her photos, I feel like I know her.

One of the information blogs that I found was
It covered a topic of personal interest to the creator, mostly having to do with anything related to cars. He covered the characteristics of the next generation of future cars for the major car companies. He posts photos of these cars, all futuristic looking and almost out of this world. He also comments on such aspects of a car, like the fuel system. This blog was very informative for anyone who is an automobil enthusiast.

Blogging supports all different types of journalism. There are no strict regulations or guidelines on how to construct a blog. Everything depends on the creator, from the topic, to the layout, to the viewpoints, and down to the photos. Print media is more concerned with the content of the material and its relevance in the society. I don't believe the print media is as willing to accept all forms and topics of articles as blogs are. A good informative blog would be just that, providing resourceful information on any given topic. Suggestions for related websites can also support and strengthen a blog. I feel anything can make for a good vanity blog. Since it can contain any kind of information of interest to the creator, there is no right or wrong vanity blog. There is more lenience and tolerance given to vanity blogs.

The research material I found did support my original thesis. One a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate my research a 5, it strongly supports my thesis. I do not wish to change my thesis.

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